
Testing 28, 29, 30

I think I've found the issue. If you're seeing this on fosstodon.org, yay! @davew@mastodon.social #feedToMasto

Testing 25, 26, 27

Typo in my config.json. @davew@mastodon.social #feedToMasto

Testing 22, 23, 24

I've switched to my other mastodon instance. Let's see. @davew@mastodon.social #feedToMasto

Testing 19, 20, 21

Dave has made a change, we're at 0.4.4. @davew@mastodon.social #feedToMasto


Testing 16, 17, 18

Again. @davew@mastodon.social #feedToMasto

Testing 13, 14, 15

Somewhere, we're not getting JSON. @davew@mastodon.social @feedToMasto

Testing 10, 11, 12

Once more @davew@mastodon.social #feedToMasto

Testing 7, 8, 9

More testing of #feedToMasto @davew@mastodon.social added redirect following, so we try again.


Testin 4, 5, 6

This may get repetitive.

Testing 1, 2, 3

This post is starting in bjimba.blogspot.com, which is currently being watched by DaveW's feedToMasto. @davew@mastodon.social #feedToMasto Let's see where it ends up.