
Hey! This blog has RSS!

Elon Musk has started an interesting chain reaction.

The Flight from Twittr (ah, remember those days, when the missing vowel was endearing) has led directly to the "alternatives-to" sections of websites filling to the brims with recommended replacements.

Early betting gives the Mastodon collective a decided edge, as it gives us a moment to step back and reconsider what a social network should be, could be, will be.

I just posted to Facebook and tweeted my Tweet with my latest nom-de-cyberverse: @jimrussell@mastodon.online

Mastodon reminds me of ILink, which was a collective of BBS's sending each other QWK packets. No one BBS owned the whole lot, but everybody had the whole lot.

Let's do this with Mastodon. This could work.

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